About our Services, Programs, and Products

The Equity Institute (TEI) develops relevant, impactful services, programs, and products uniquely designed to support our member-clients across multiple sectors with vision alignment and assistance in achieving successful mission outcomes.

TEI Services:

TEI understands the importance of impact and sustainability in Social Change. Defining that change is a critical first step. We work with our member-clients to help them craft and refine their theory of change and embed that into their overall strategy. This ensures clarity around the desired result and a better measurement of what success looks like.  Our proprietary evidence-based analysis is developed from empirical research and bench marking data, the combination of which assists with the effective monitoring and evaluation of outcomes and fosters accountability and learning.

TEI gives your organization a competitive advantage with empirical data that is useful. Not only can data grounded in evidence provide deeper insights to inform decision-making, but it can also be used to improve current and future management of outputs, outcomes, and desired impact.  Let us equip your company with the tools required to effectively drive the private sector engagement and strategic partnerships that are necessary for sustainable development.


TEI disseminates relevant research that spurs evidence-based policies, actionable strategies, and issue-focused advocacy efforts. Among our diverse offerings of programs are topic-specific symposia, webinars, and informational sessions, and professional development trainings, seminars, and targeted outreach events.


• Position Statements
• Policy and Issue Briefs
• Special Reports
• White Papers
• Articles / Semi-Annual Journals
• News Briefs / Bulletins
• Podcasts
• Videos
• Impact Monitoring
• Customized Products, e.g., Surveys designed in Likert scale Format